Jubilee Address by Senator Daniel E. Riley July 1, 1927
Jubilee Address, High River July 1, 1927 Senator Daniel E. Riley Today in every village, town, and city in Canada from ocean to ocean the people are gathered together just as we are gathered here to celebrate the signing of an agreement which joined the scattered provinces of Canada together under one Central Government. This event took place on July 1 st , 1867, sixty years ago, and in the light of those years it may truly be called – The Birth of a Nation. I deeply appreciate the great honor you have done me in having me speak on such an historic occasion as the present. Only in the briefest way do I intend to mention the early history of our country. The name Canada comes from the Indian word “Kannata” meaning “the settlements” and this name written down by Cartier as “Canada” is the name our Dominion from Atlan...