Grassroots and Common Sense
Common Sense.
Both terms bandied about by the populist crowd that
imply a connection with a pool of knowledge gleaned from generations of
pioneers and builders who laid foundations of societies. Often held up by those
who insist that there’s a huge disconnect between the governors and the
governed. Both terms are now being manipulated by those governors in order to
appease those disenfranchised by that very disconnection. Weaponized, in fact.
There’s no denying those characteristics that built
our societies were important. Stubborn resolve, ingenuity, independence, and
straight up mettle met some real life or death circumstances face on. Never say
woah in a tight spot, my dad would say. When faced with adversity, that
foundational knowledge pulled them through. When times were hard, communities
pulled together to spread the load. When faced with gaps in knowledge to tackle
new challenges, they sought advice from professionals who had that knowledge.
The problem is, the pool of knowledge that was
garnered by agrarian pioneers and wildcat entrepreneurs has been contaminated
and co-opted by clever information architects who have capitalized by feeding
mis and disinformation to those grassroot adherents. A fearful and mistrusting
population is much easier to manipulate than one whose actions are guided by
evidence based knowledge. Those gaps opened by that mistrust are easily filled
by misinformation vendors in order to destabilize the population and make it
vulnerable to power hungry autocrats harvesting populist support.
So, as for Common Sense, I’m still a fan. And
Grassroots ideology still has its place. There has to be a sensibility and
simplicity in many decision making processes. However, we must, like those
pioneers, defer to expertise when our knowledge meets its limits. Even if that
expertise requires that we depart from those paradigms laid down by our
ancestors. The reason we’re in a tight spot is because we followed the ruts
that led us there.
Again, I don’t necessarily disagree with the concept
of Grassroot Common Sense. I do take issue with those who hold it up as a
banner declaring their allegiance to the common man and pretending to bridge
that disconnect. All the while manipulating the populace by promoting the
mistrust in the expertise that pulled them through adversity in times past. All
the while seeding fear with misinformation and salving that fear with
authoritarian nuance that only serves to consolidate power in fewer hands.
So, I cringe when I hear someone declare their grasp
on Common Sense, and my suspicions raise when someone promotes a Grassroots
movement. Both concepts are now merely ideologies of the misled. Both labels
applied to angry mobs gathered at coffee shops, town halls, and roadside
protests. Both stark evidence of an insidious movement to replace knowledge
with intuition and discredit evidence based scientific process and critical
thought. Both tools of authoritarian demagoguery.
The casualty is not just of those terms held in some
regard not that long ago, it’s of those people conscripted into the movement
that has poisoned those terms. Among them many friends, neighbors, and family
members. People I once regarded as being sensible and down to earth. It truly
has exacerbated the disconnect between factions it pretends to be healing.
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